Sunday 1 February 2015

STORY: Animals In Charge. by Ayodeji Isaac. PART 2

                                            Excerpt from the Movie DAWN OF THE PLANET
                                            OF APES.

   After making connection with the King of the animals, a date was set for the meeting; I was briefed about everything I needed to know about the king. I was meant to arrive at the Federal Palace (the office of the king) alone; it was part of the agreement. The Secretary General and the other leaders all shook my hands and wished me good luck. Some even promised to pray for me. The journey to the Palace was short, immediately I arrived there the car left, I was all alone in front of the huge red gate. Four big Polar Bears were waiting for me. At first, I was scared and kept my distance but I later summoned courage and moved closer. They all started sniffing my body which I guess was their method of searching for weapons. After almost twenty minutes of sniffing, I was declared clean and led into the palace, I looked around and saw more of the same Polar Bears manning different posts and I began to wonder if the king was also a Polar bear. As soon as we got to the door, they left me to myself; I sighed deeply and opened the door. It was a large hall filled with animals of all kinds. They were all quiet and stared at me, I was very scared. Amongst them were creatures I had never seen before, Animals I never thought existed, it seemed like an animation playing before my eyes.
        As I was still trying to come to terms with some of the animals I was seeing, I heard someone bang on the table from the front, it sounded very much like the sound made during the UN general meeting. I walked briskly to the front and saw an old looking Ape seated on a golden seat, he was flanked by more apes and they were armed with guns. At the corner of the halls were Lions too and many other cat-like animals I couldn't identify. Any tiny mistake and I would be toast. I didn't know how to pass across my message. Suddenly a Parrot flew in and rested on the Old Ape’s shoulder, it asked me what I wanted, I was relieved, finally something that understood English. I smiled and told the parrot that Humans had agreed to their terms and we were ready to give them the secret of speech. The Parrot whispered into the ear of the Ape, almost immediately he screamed and talked loudly in gibberish, the other animals shouted and it was obvious they were happy with the news I brought. I stared in awe at the various displays of ecstasy. 'Animals will always be animals' I told myself. Later on, the parrot then told me that I was going to sign a document, I was led to the chamber by one of the apes and I signed the paper. I brought out the potion from my bag and gave it to one of the guards who took it to the Old Ape. He stood up and stared at the bottle with joy and admiration, he opened it and sipped a little, he closed his eyes seemingly enjoying the moment, then all of a sudden, he opened his mouth and shouted HELLO... The other animals shouted for joy and started rushing towards me to get their own bottle. At first it was quite organised as they were all on a queue but soon it got very rough, they seized my bag and shared it among themselves. Not all of them got the potion. The ones that didn't get looked on in anger and jealousy as their mates gulped the potion. It was a wonderful sight, seeing the animals talk. I felt happy and fulfilled that I had done a good job.
         As I was still savouring the moment, one of the animals suddenly dropped to the floor, bleeding from the mouth. He died before I could do even move to do anything. It went on that way till almost half of them were on the floor bleeding to death. The Old Ape and some other animals that didn’t get the potion had their eyes fixed on me; they were ready to pounce, taking tiny steps towards me in unison. The Old Ape roared again and they stopped abruptly, he walked to me and looked me in the eye, he asked me why I did it. I couldn't say a word, I was filled with guilt, I looked around and saw the bodies of the animals and I knew I was used by the Secretary General and the world leaders. I was the unobservant fool. I closed my eyes and I could see my life flash before my eyes, life as I knew, it was about to come to an end. The Old Ape suddenly dropped to the ground, the effects of the poison had taken over, but before he died he pointed to a black door at the far end of the hall. I didn't know what the black door meant but whatever it was; I knew it wasn't a good thing. Unlike what any other person would do, I wasn't shouting or screaming in fear, instead I was disappointed in my kind, the Humans. I felt pity for the animals; I couldn’t say a word as I was led to the black door. The Ape guards tried as much as possible to prevent the other animals from eating me alive by forming a blockade, the animals wanted quick revenge. When we got to the door, I took one last look at the angry animals and tears dropped from my eyes, I tried to gesture my apology by cupping my hands but the damage was done, suddenly the door was open and I felt two strong arms push me into dark room. I did only one thing as I ventured into the unknown and that was to cure Humans.                             


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