Sunday 1 February 2015

Exclusive Interview with Agboola Olatundun, CEO Cymbals.

Hiya cool dudes! It is your "ghal" Kitty on TheFACET Blog again. Today to celebrate the beginning of a special month, the month of love or should I say election?*chuckles*. I bring to you this exclusive interview with a dancer after my own heart, Olatundun Agboola. Don't blink while reading so you don't miss a line*winks*

Kitty: Hi handsome, can we meet you?

Tundun: My name is Agboola Olatundun,a student of the University of Lagos, a rap artist and professional dancer. I am the CEO of Cymbals Concepts which comprises of 2 solid entertainment outfits(The Cymbals Dance Company and Cymbals Entertainment Group - C.E.G) and C.E.G happens to be our record label.

Kitty: Your record label? WOW! Nice profile Tundun, there is really a lot to you. You know, I once came across a track of yours some years ago "Je knuckle danu",I must tell you it was dope! Where did you learn to rap that way, especially in the yoruba language?

Tundun: Uhmm, no trumpet sounds when the most important decisions of our lives are made. Destiny is made known silently. I believe I came with skills to this planet and the fact that "I BE IBADAN BOY" *winks* has greatly contributed to my deep lyricism in the language.

Kitty: Beautiful! Me sef be Ibadan Girl on the famzing have you recorded other songs apart from "Je knuckle danu"?

Tundun: Yes I have. I released "Je knucle danu" and another single "E lo pe won wa",which reached top 2 on Splash fm's Top Countdown. I have also been featured in more than 12 singles by various music artistes.

Kitty: Really?other artistes?interesting! Care to mention a few?

Tundun: Sleek(Lagos),Dexedo(Ibadan),Moselbee(Ibadan), Nathytaner(Ibadan),to mention a few and I'm presently working on another with Babatunmise(Ibadan).

Kitty: Amazing! Can't wait to hear that. So let's talk about you being a dancer. I guess a lot of people have heard about you,about your crew and I believe you are going places. Tell me,when did you discover this God given talent of yours and why did you decide to pursue it?

Tundun: When God gives an assignment,he also provides the skill. Discover you talent,your skill and you will know your assignment. I have discovered dancing,it is my skill and I have had lot of people attest to that. I won Maltina dance hall(age category) twice in a row;Lagos and Ibadan. I discovered this talent in my mother's womb*chuckles*..I decided to pursue it and it has been paying off.

Kitty: Hmmm..nice one from you there. Let's talk about other dance groups in Ibadan,Nigeria as a whole. Which do you see as the most challenging and a worthy competition?

Tundun: Kudos to everyone who has decided to go into dance professionally either as a solo act or a team. All the dance groups out there are worthy competitions.

Kitty: Hmmm..the dude is humble..amazing I must say. I think your humility is as a result of your background. Can you give us a little insight into your background?

Tundun: if I tell you my background is completely humble,I'll be telling a BIG LIE. But then we do not have the liberty to choose whatever family we want to grow in. On second thought,God is full of mysteries. He knits and puts you where he wants you to be. I am from a polygamous home,my father married 3 wives of which my mom is the 2nd and I am the last of 4. We are the Agboolas.

Kitty: Wow,deep! I'm short of words. But then that brings this question to mind. Do they support what you do?

Tundun: My mother has always been in support from day 1 but my dad started giving full support when he started seeing financial and material results..*giggles* which I think is normal for fathers. I remember him rebuking me countless times when I dress up to go for rehearsals but then when he started seeing me on Tv,music videos and the kind of respect people accorded me in town and all,"na hin start to dey remind me everytime rehearsal dey say rehearsal dey"...*laughs out loud*

Kitty: zo..Fathers are like that. Then they will suddenly remember you are no longer your mother's son but theirs what do you think about the entertainment industry in Nigeria?

Tundun: *deep breath*..The entertainment industry in Nigeria is very competitive. Learning to balance values,packaging your brand well,discipline and humility is quite important. The only way to survive is to admit you are on your own,learn to make your own decisions and trust your judgment.

Kitty: I guess you are right..this brings me to my next question. Do you think that there is unhealthy rivalry in dancing?

Tundun: is a matter of survival of the fittest,dancing is also. Everybody wants to be number one which is impossible and as a result of this,unhealthy rivalry occurs.

Kitty: Hmmm..true. What is the biggest dance show you would love to compete in?

Tundun: This might sound a little not professional but I am done with competitions. The only one I'm waiting for is the Peak Talent Show and I would be competing as a rap artiste. In the aspect of dance,no more competition.

Kitty: Weird...why?I mean dancers love to compete,it adds to the thrill. I have seen your moves,it's off "da street",off "da hook" and yet you say you do not want to compete anymore,there has to be a reason.

Tundun: Everything in life has stages. There was a time in my life when I really loved competitions,I won like 90percent of all the competitions I engaged in. Now I don't feel that urge anymore,the urge to compete isn't there anymore and it's not pride,it's just a personal decision.

Kitty: So you mean you won't compete even for a huge sum of money?

Tundun: No I won't

Kitty: Interesting! You are a man of your word. I'm curious about something else. What height do you plan to attain in his profession?

Tundun: No matter what people think we have presently achieved,I still believe we have achieved nothing. We still have a very long way to go even though we have covered some grounds. I plan to start performing internationally. OZ Arena,Staples Centre, for example. Appearing in top music videos,becoming number 1 and living off the income generated.

Kitty: Very good..nice. I love your determination,keep it up,it will definitely take you places.

Tundun: Thank you kitty.

Kitty: If given a chance to meet two great people in the entertainment industry,who would they be?

Tundun: I love Wizkid so much,bur if you would introduce me to anyone,get me Psquare and Wizzy together. I would also love to meet Kaffy,she is a great dancer.

Kitty: *winks*..let's go there,I have a feeling you are going to meet them soon.. So let's go deeper. Are you ready for my next question?

Tundun: Deeper..*pensive*...hmmmm..*chuckles*..Yes I am,shoot!

Kitty: So good source tells me you once had a thing with popular dance crew,EXPLICIT and then you left. Can you tell us why you left? Did you have a fall out with the president or captain of the crew?

Tundun: *laughs out loud*..hmmm..I wonder how you got to know about that..*chuckles*..Explicit..hmm..let me answer this with an illustration.
One thing that is constant in life is change and wise saying says if you keep doing the same thing the same way and expect a different result,the you might be mentally unstable. At a point in my life,I wanted change,I was tired of seeing the sme people,doing the same daily activities. I wanted something better,I believed I deserved something better(I am sure you know what I mean). Then 'A' comes along and introduces the benefits that comes with moving from 'R' to 'X' and I succumbed.
I moved to 'X' only to discover that what I desire is only in my hands and mine alone. The thing is nobody can give you what you want,you only have to depend on your wits. Anyone in life who is doing you a favour definitely wants something in return. Unquestioned loyalty,a higher fragment of your life and so many other things. I left Explicit because I belived I could do something on my own,I needed nobody to exist and I wanted to feel independent, make my mistakes,learn from them and constantly manouvre my abilities.

Kitty: Hmm..deep..I think I understand you to an extent..*smiles*..what inspires you and how do you combine dancing with education?

Tundun: I get my inspiration from God. It hasn't been easy combining my career with education. I travel every four days,I have never sent a weekend in school.

Kitty: Wow! I guess I can say I'm dumbfounded. That must be so stressful,more grease to your elbow dear.

Tundun: *smiles*..thanks Kitty.

Kitty: I have seen you perform many stunts,I know a great dancer when I see one and there is something unique about your skill. The whole attitude,passion and stunts you pull is just stunning and I can't help but wonder If you get scared while performing certain stunts on stage,like you are gonna break a bone or something.

Tundun: *laughs out loud* Honestly I get scared when I'm about to pull a stunt on stage sometimes but then that is the beauty of it,doing what you should be scared of doing normally.

Kitty: I love that,I love risk takers*winks* oh,I'm just appreciating you oh,make wifey no dash me slap. Yeah,talking about wifey *winks*..

Tundun: *chuckles*..hmmm

Kitty: Tell us oh,are you in a relationship?

Tundun: Yes I am*smiles*

Kitty: awwww..that smile,the dude is in love!yaaaay!..proud enough to tell us her name?*winks*

Tundun: lol..I don't think I would wanna say anything about her but yes I am in a relationship.

Kitty: Sad,you just broke my

Tundun:*laughs out loud*

Kitty: So Agboola Olatundun is a fresh dude,apart from being a dancer and I'm quite sure you get lotof advances from girls. I mean I have seen gidi babes,ib divas throw you kisses when you are on stage. How do you handle them and does it affect your relationship with Mrs Tundun*winks* in any way?

Tundun: Girls ehn!Nawa! Some even resolve to cursing me when I don't reply their messages but I am used to it. I love the ones who are fans,I love the ones who are handling it maturely likewise and I hope those who are being childish grow up someday. My girl understands the kind of person I amnshe understands the career I'm into,she has been 100percent suportive and I thank God for that.

Kitty: Lwkmd!so hilarious!Naija babes sha! Nawa oh but then you just have to forgive us....and such trust your girl has..aww...I love that. What is your philosophy about life?

Tundun: Never turn down the volume of your music because it is too loud for anybody.

Kitty: Wow! That is new!..I love that.

Tundun: Thanks*smiles*

Kitty: What is your advice to that lost child out there,one who has no hope for a future,one who has given up on life?

Tundun: I know I'm supposed to start uttering words like "don't give up,as long as there is life,there is hope" and all but I am not going to do that. I am just going to tell you to get 3 books. A Purpose Driven Life,The 50th Law(Robert Green and 50 Cent),The Richest Man in Babylon(George.S.Clason). Then if he/she still feels lost,call my number-08165982777.

Kitty: awww,touching..thanks Tundun.. Another question is if given a chance to to something for your country,what would that be?

Tundun: I had teach everyone the art of dance*giggles*

Kitty: Interesting!I think I love that afterall,dancing is a part of life,dance is life and life is dance! Thank you so much Olatundun,this has been fun all the way.

Tundun: The pleasure is mine and to TheFACET readers,I want to use this medium to apreciate you for sharing your precious time to follow TheFACET Blog's updates. This team is doing a great job,never a dull moment with them and so I officially endorse TheFACET Blog!

Kitty: loooool..Thank you so much Tundun,we love you and to our readers we love you also! Watch out for another interview session very soon..keep your fingers crossed and don't blink so you don't miss a
Remember,think Blog,think TheFACET...



  1. Kudos Cymbals, the facet blog... Nice interview. I love this!

  2. Am physiobilogically impressed by the analytical method implored to answering those logical,brainwashing and trap-setting questions.........Heaven is the starting point

  3. Thanks guys,you are highly appreciated.Keep reading TheFACET.

  4. n is just sumone av admired since my secondary skul days. His dance steps after winning any match den @ skul. Cymbals! U can go as far as KAFFY as gone... Kisses. Loremikan Tosin will always be a fan

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