Sunday 1 February 2015

MUST READ: SHOES!!!!! for the Ladies them!


   Shoes!! What would we do without them? They are just gor-ge-ous, which makes me wonder how diamonds manage to retain that status of a girl’s best friend. Truth is a beautiful pair of shoes is worth scratching that relationship for. You just can’t go wrong with the perfect pair.
   I like to think of a girl’s shoes as her mirror of elegance. It is her classy way of saying in any gathering ‘that’s right, the queen is here. Please feel free to feed your eyes’. It gets to me when I see a girl ‘dance-walking’ in her shoes, making the poor things look mean. Shoes are not demons. For those who do not get the concept of dance-walking, it is twisting and turning in your shoes even when there is no beat. Yeah, that is the point you start to hear whispers and murmurs like ‘who send am? Na by force? I must to s’oge…’ and those wack lines meant to frustrate feminine efforts. By the way, it takes a courageous lady to walk 6, 7 inches above normal length so I always expect the commentators to put that into consideration.
   Back to the dance-walk though, shoes are all about one thing: comfort. There are often two groups of ladies who fall prey to such abnormal steps. The first are the ‘wrong choice’ victims. There are no two ways to it. If it is too tight, too high, too thin heeled, please scrap it. Often, we ladies get to pick our shoes just because they look so adorable on the rack and we want to get our co-buyers making the ‘aaaaawnn’ sound or so our friends would wish they were us, just for that moment. Shoes go beyond that. Sure, our shoes should get others to envy us, but not kill us in the long run. Asides making the wearer uncomfortable, they could cause foot pain and deformities. Yuck! We do not want to go through that. So woman, know thy shoes dos and don’ts and be faithful to them
   The next group is the ‘too shy’ victims. These beautiful set of ladies get the size and length right but are just too scared to walk, especially when they feel all eyes are on them. Dear readers, if you happen to belong to this class, then I think it is your birthright to know that beautiful girls are made to be admired. Your shoes are just a bonus. The easier way to tackle the shy syndrome is to choose the most comfortable shoes, which requires that you forget about your neigbhour’s 7-inches. (She can rock it so well, that’s why she made it a 7). Also, you may like to walk in the company of someone or a group of friends; this helps you forget the many eyes trailing you. My most preferred option though is; the next time you’re in a pair of heels, pretend like it’s your wedding or birthday or a day where everything is all about you and walk like you do not give two hoots. Actually, on second thoughts, whenever you are in a pair of heels, then everything is all about you. Excuse me, that is just why the world knows Cinderella.

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