Saturday 14 February 2015

Can Everyday Be Valentine??

   It is the 14th of February again and I can't help but wonder what he has in store for me.
I wonder if it's gonna be chocolate bars this time or another teddy bear. Is it gonna be a gold bracelet or a 48-carat gold necklace? Maybe a ruby pendant or another set of diamond earrings, a Swatch to add to my collection of wrist watches or the newest Victoria's Secret collection? A Chanel or LV bag? Perhaps it's going to be the Jimmy Choo or Ralph Lauren's silks.
   Please tell him I don't want; not anymore. I am fed up. His gifts won't stop the pain, the sight of them never stops him from beating me the next day. He beat me the night before; he beats me everyday. It is a wonder I am not dead, I guess my children are the reason I am still alive. I can't leave, what choice do I have? NONE! I can't possibly leave, not now, not after 3 kids, not after 15 years of my life with him!
  With every day comes a new style of punishment. When I don't get slapped or kicked,I am brutalized in a strange way. Oh! I even get raped on certain occasions... I get raped by my husband, the father of my children. And even though the law doesn't acknowledge rape by one's husband, what do you call the act of being beaten and penetrated forcefully and without one's consent?
   I vividly remember the last Valentine's day, he was really amazing. He didn't buy a car or open a salon like the previous Valentine nor did he take me to the spa or fly me to Hawaii. He took me to the mall and we got chocolates and the biggest teddy bear in the mall. We went to see a movie after shopping; we got popcorns, drinks, even icecream and we spoon fed each other! It was romantic! We later went to an exclusive restaurant in Victoria Island to dine and we did that like a king and a queen should. Yes, he beat me the night before that, the bandage on my head that day a proof. Thank God for my fringe which covered my forehead but then it could have just being passed off as an accident. We left the restaurant and just when I thought the night was over, he drove me to the central park. We found a spot and we took the box of chocolate and a champagne bottle and flutes he got specially with us. We sipped and ate chocolates,we were happy. We talked about when we first met and planned our future. Just then, he kissed me. Oh we kissed, the moon was a witness, the star-studded sky provided a canopy, the stars winked and twinkled and I wondered what Cupid was up to. Perhaps the Norns of Fate had decided to add a pinch of love to my miserable marital life. Maybe there was a part of my story that would end with a happy after after all. Kenneth penetrated my walls, I thought I had become impregnable but I was wrong, my walls betrayed me. The kiss was different, it spoke volumes, it told stories of a future yet to come. It conjured up images, it promised a wonderful life, a beautiful and amazing husband who wouldn't go back to being the monster he was.
   And we made love... My moan gave me away, he figured out I wanted more and he went extra miles to make it perfect. The sex was different, it had a tinge of savagery to it, it was wild. It was like we were fighting for a position, we were in a race, it was a show of power, locked up emotion and all, it was exasperating after all.
We left the park and went home. The kids were asleep,we kissed all the way to the room and made love again. This time,it was slow and sensual. It was heavenly,I was glad,I had him back.
    "Ada, wake up."He called the next morning. I smiled at the rich timbre in his voice, its huskiness made me remember the way he called my name while we made love the night before..."Nooo, lemme jhur, come back to bed, is it morning already?" I called back.
"Yes madam, wake up. The children are awake, go get them ready for school and come make my breakfast." He said. I smiled and snuggled deeper into the cover,"Can't they stay home today? I'm spent, my love."
Two slaps landed across my cheeks in quick succession,I screamed and jumped out of bed. I looked into his eyes, he was angry. Kenneth was gone,the monster was back! He jumped on me and started pummeling me. "I told you to get up,you lazy witch! You expect me to go to the office on an empty stomach? And my children; you want them to stay home and do what? Become useless and lazy like you? Idiot." He said with a final blow to my stomach. Just then my children ran in, they had heard the noise. Tears flowed down their cheeks as they begged their father to leave me alone. "Val is over, my dear", he said over his shoulder as he picked up his briefcase and walked out.
    Valentine is here again and I'm scared. I don't want a temporary moment of happiness, I don't want just a day of love and tranquility, I don't want a temporary display of affection. Please tell him all I want for val is him. He is the greatest gift of love I can ask for. I would sacrifice all the wealth in and gifts in this world to have his love. I'm tired of being beaten, I want the Kenneth I married back. I'm tired of seeing the monster in him,I want my baby back. Can everyday be Valentine????

*door bell chimes*

*jerks back into reality*.. He is back *wipes tears*

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