Saturday 14 February 2015



   I took part in a SLAM (sex, love and marriage) course at church and in one session my youth leader introduced us to this bad book:


    What better day to talk about love language if not a very special day for lovers: Valentine’s Day. I’m always so passionate about love, communication and understanding between partners, I love when there is connection, mutual understanding and all the lovey dovey in a relationship.  
   So, the concept behind this book is that many relationships and marriages are falling apart not because the spouses don’t love each other, but because they aren’t speaking each other’s primary love languages. So I was like huh? There is more than one love language now? 
The main 5 are:
·        Physical Touch
·        Words of Affirmation
·        Quality Time
·        Acts of Service
·        Gifts

   Physical touch is always misunderstood; this language is not all about bedroom. A person whose primary love language is physical touch is, not surprisingly, very touchy. Hugs, pats on the back, holding hands, and thoughtful touches on the arm, shoulder, or face- they can all be ways to show excitement, concern, care and most especially love. Physical presence and accessibility are very crucial. Physical touch fosters a sense of security and belonging in any relationship.

   Actions don’t always speak louder than words if your primary love language is words of affirmation.  If this is your love language, hearing words like “I love you”, “you’re beautiful”, “and you look good” etc.  Are very important, hearing these words sends some chills to your spine and hearing the reasons behind that love your partner has for you sends your spirits skyward. If your partner has this love language, be very careful what you say to him/her, insults can leave a person that has this love language shattered and not easily forgotten. Kind, encouraging and positive words are very necessary.

   In the vernacular of quality time, nothing says “I love you”, like a full undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being there- with the TV  off, fork and knife down and all chores and tasks on standby makes your significant other feel loved. Quality time also means sharing quality conversation and quality activities.

   Anything you can do to ease the burden of responsibilities weighing on an “Acts of Service” person will speak volumes. The words he or she wants to hear most are: “let me do that for you” “I can help you with that” etc. Makes them feel loved.
Receiving Gifts:  Don’t mistake this love language for materialism; the receiver of gifts thrives on the love, thoughtfulness and efforts behind the gift. If you speak this language, the perfect gift or gesture shows that you are known, loved, cared for and you are prized above whatever was sacrificed to bring the gift to you. A missed birthday, anniversary, or a hasty thoughtless gift would be disastrous, so also with the absence of everyday gestures. Gifts are visual representations of love and treasured greatly.

   Now everyone has one primary love language out of these 5 major ones, some like me might have two. So, my question to you is what’s yours? Do you even know what it is?  Do you agree with it? If not, why?  If you don’t know, here is a link.

Here is mine
So, what’s yours? I’d love to know. Do men generally have a different love language to women, or is it completely random?
 Knowing your own love language and your partner’s will definitely help to foster your relationship and keep both your love tanks full. 

                  Happy Valentine’s Day.


Hi amazing readers and Happy Valentine!!! It is a beautiful day for love isn't it? And a special month at that. On this note,TeamFACET is wishing you a happy valentine. We thank you for your love and support towards this blog. It is ours,it is yours,we are the future,we have got to take hold of our destiny and this is our destiny,the future is now!
What is life without love?what is love without you?who are we without your support,who are without God? God is love and we are products of love. So let's celebrate today with much excitement and bubbling joy in our hearts.
    We love you...never doubt that and we are always here to make you smile and connect you to the world.  We are TeamFACET.

TheFACET's Val for 2015!!!

Hi amazing viewers! It is Feb 14,2015! It is Valentine. It is the day of love. We all have our "vals",we are guessing we are yours*winks*.
We however have a special valentine,he is no other person but Olatundun Agboola,CEO Cymbals,otherwise knows as Olatundun Cymbals. Olatundun is not a strange name in the entertainment industry,he is a young artiste and a high spirited dancer who has given a re-definition to dance. He was recently interviewed on TheFACET and he gave us an interesting insight into his life as a dancer. He is a model unto many aspiring dancers,a mentor he is,a great source of inspiration also.
He and his crew recently bagged an award as the dance crew of the year amongst a nomination of other tight dance crews,the explicit dance crew,and signet inclusive. This feat wowed a lot of people and his fans are proud of him. Their words of admiration are proofs.
CYMBALS you are amazing! You rock dudes and we are proud of you.
From TeamFACET to you,we wish you a HAPPY VALENTINE,we love you!

The Valentine In Our Midst!

 With a friend like you,who cares and support with such a vibrant zeal,life and the world is just so much fun. We are so lucky to be blessed with a friend and colleague like you.
Thank you so much for coming into our lives and standing by us through thick and thin. We pray you get all your heart desires.
On this wonderful day, a star of pure love is our gift to you. Happy Birthday Salako Michael,a.k.a, Mikado...We love you!

Here are some comments from TheFACET family..we are indeed happy and grateful to God for your life and health.

Suliat:- Mikky is cool,funny and fun to be with. Happy Birthday Mikky!

Dami:- Mikky is a cool guy,dedicated,funny,calm and very hardworking. Happy Birthday dear.

Mhiz Evans:- Mikky! My long lost but found friend! My black cute "nigga"..*chuckles*..Simply funny,never boring even during chats. My "teletubby" that wouldn't jump off a bridge for as you add another year my nigga.

Esther:- Mikky is cool and fun to be with. He contributes a lot to the development of the blog and does well when given a task to do. He is very nice. Long life and prosperity dear,many more years to come in Jesus name.

El_stunna:- hmmm..Mikky is fun to be with! He can be wild when he wants to..*chuckles* he is a sure nigga and if mikky had come to life as a girl,I'd have turned gay a long time kidding. Happy Birthday Guy!

Kittypens:- Miiiiiiiikkkky! There is just one word to qualify this extraordinary being-AMAZING! Words can't qualify you dear,they have said it all,repetition would only create an you much dearie and Happy Birthday to you!

So there you have it readers. Michael Salako has added another year today and we are celebrating him so let's do this together!
A toast to our one and only Mikky! *Cheers*



With every year comes a special day-a birthday. With this year comes two, Valentine and our brother and friend's birthday!

NEW JAM ALERT: #RunThisTown by Bugaking @Tomexdalegend ft Terry tha rapman

JAM ALERT: #RunThisTown by Bugaking @Tomexdalegend ft Terry tha rapman Finally Out.. nice tune for the season. Download, Listen and Share your thoughts.

Can Everyday Be Valentine??

   It is the 14th of February again and I can't help but wonder what he has in store for me.
I wonder if it's gonna be chocolate bars this time or another teddy bear. Is it gonna be a gold bracelet or a 48-carat gold necklace? Maybe a ruby pendant or another set of diamond earrings, a Swatch to add to my collection of wrist watches or the newest Victoria's Secret collection? A Chanel or LV bag? Perhaps it's going to be the Jimmy Choo or Ralph Lauren's silks.
   Please tell him I don't want; not anymore. I am fed up. His gifts won't stop the pain, the sight of them never stops him from beating me the next day. He beat me the night before; he beats me everyday. It is a wonder I am not dead, I guess my children are the reason I am still alive. I can't leave, what choice do I have? NONE! I can't possibly leave, not now, not after 3 kids, not after 15 years of my life with him!
  With every day comes a new style of punishment. When I don't get slapped or kicked,I am brutalized in a strange way. Oh! I even get raped on certain occasions... I get raped by my husband, the father of my children. And even though the law doesn't acknowledge rape by one's husband, what do you call the act of being beaten and penetrated forcefully and without one's consent?
   I vividly remember the last Valentine's day, he was really amazing. He didn't buy a car or open a salon like the previous Valentine nor did he take me to the spa or fly me to Hawaii. He took me to the mall and we got chocolates and the biggest teddy bear in the mall. We went to see a movie after shopping; we got popcorns, drinks, even icecream and we spoon fed each other! It was romantic! We later went to an exclusive restaurant in Victoria Island to dine and we did that like a king and a queen should. Yes, he beat me the night before that, the bandage on my head that day a proof. Thank God for my fringe which covered my forehead but then it could have just being passed off as an accident. We left the restaurant and just when I thought the night was over, he drove me to the central park. We found a spot and we took the box of chocolate and a champagne bottle and flutes he got specially with us. We sipped and ate chocolates,we were happy. We talked about when we first met and planned our future. Just then, he kissed me. Oh we kissed, the moon was a witness, the star-studded sky provided a canopy, the stars winked and twinkled and I wondered what Cupid was up to. Perhaps the Norns of Fate had decided to add a pinch of love to my miserable marital life. Maybe there was a part of my story that would end with a happy after after all. Kenneth penetrated my walls, I thought I had become impregnable but I was wrong, my walls betrayed me. The kiss was different, it spoke volumes, it told stories of a future yet to come. It conjured up images, it promised a wonderful life, a beautiful and amazing husband who wouldn't go back to being the monster he was.
   And we made love... My moan gave me away, he figured out I wanted more and he went extra miles to make it perfect. The sex was different, it had a tinge of savagery to it, it was wild. It was like we were fighting for a position, we were in a race, it was a show of power, locked up emotion and all, it was exasperating after all.
We left the park and went home. The kids were asleep,we kissed all the way to the room and made love again. This time,it was slow and sensual. It was heavenly,I was glad,I had him back.
    "Ada, wake up."He called the next morning. I smiled at the rich timbre in his voice, its huskiness made me remember the way he called my name while we made love the night before..."Nooo, lemme jhur, come back to bed, is it morning already?" I called back.
"Yes madam, wake up. The children are awake, go get them ready for school and come make my breakfast." He said. I smiled and snuggled deeper into the cover,"Can't they stay home today? I'm spent, my love."
Two slaps landed across my cheeks in quick succession,I screamed and jumped out of bed. I looked into his eyes, he was angry. Kenneth was gone,the monster was back! He jumped on me and started pummeling me. "I told you to get up,you lazy witch! You expect me to go to the office on an empty stomach? And my children; you want them to stay home and do what? Become useless and lazy like you? Idiot." He said with a final blow to my stomach. Just then my children ran in, they had heard the noise. Tears flowed down their cheeks as they begged their father to leave me alone. "Val is over, my dear", he said over his shoulder as he picked up his briefcase and walked out.
    Valentine is here again and I'm scared. I don't want a temporary moment of happiness, I don't want just a day of love and tranquility, I don't want a temporary display of affection. Please tell him all I want for val is him. He is the greatest gift of love I can ask for. I would sacrifice all the wealth in and gifts in this world to have his love. I'm tired of being beaten, I want the Kenneth I married back. I'm tired of seeing the monster in him,I want my baby back. Can everyday be Valentine????

*door bell chimes*

*jerks back into reality*.. He is back *wipes tears*

Sunday 1 February 2015

Canaan Is Empty! - #Kiitypens

   I woke up to an empty house, an empty street. Ours had suddenly become a world devoid of people, of any soul. The atmosphere was gloomy, the air saturated with stench and an odor that smelled like gas wafted into my nostrils. Owls were hooting, vultures feasting on what seemed like meat, flesh. Where did they come from? we had no vultures in the city. I screamed, they stopped, fixed their ugly gaze on me; they made funny noises that sounded like they were mocking me and then went about their business. "Fucking bald creatures mocking me, rude and ugly animals" I muttered in frustration.
    "But where is everyone?"I thought.
    The odor became stronger; there was something awkward about it. A thought came to mind. Suddenly I could see flashes, my memory was returning.
    The Nuclear attack the night before! A strange phenomenon, a nuclear attack, one similar to that which cleared out Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been announced on TV the night before. Just then the lights had blown out, oxygen had started thinning drastically, everyone had begun to drop, it was weird, strange was the perfect word. Just then, it hit me, it was fast, I held on to my chest, clutched it hard. I staggered into a room, a dark room to take refuge, my vision became blurry, and breathing became difficult. Did I pass out on the long run? Maybe I did. I guess I'm lucky but then how did I survive? Everyone is gone, why am I the only one here! How can I possibly handle being alone? The world is a harsh place to live in without loved ones..."Hello! Somebody here? Anybody? Is there any soul left in this frigg’n world aside me?"
I ran back into the house, entering. Was easy, it was like I practically passed through the door..."Just my imagination,” I thought.
Just then I saw my boyfriend, Fred, sitting on a couch, a smug grin plastered on this face. I ran to hug him, he felt cold just like everywhere.
"Why is everywhere cold now? I mean you are also cold which is unusual. Isn't the harmattan period over? Strange” I said without stopping to get a reply.
"Are your parents dead too Fred?"I asked
"Yes baby, they are dead. Uncle Timothy and Grandpa Lewis too. Everyone is gone. “He said.
"I'm sorry, I know how much you love them."I said with exaggerated sympathy as I moved closer to kiss him.
    "I'm sorry too, I know how close the bond you all shared was."He said as he evaded my kiss.
Strange I thought, he would never prevent me from kissing him.  We have always had barriers, parents and all and now that we are all alone, I wondered why he didn't allow me kiss him.  I decided to caution myself, we should be mourning not making out I thought and bowed my head in shame. But then I needed to be held, I needed to be comforted. It was just too much to bear, everything had happened so fast.
"We need to talk Letisha." He suddenly said.
"Talk? About what?"I asked in feigned annoyance.
"About us, about this."He replied.
"Are you breaking up with me?"I asked stifling a sob.
"This isn't about breaking up!"He screamed.
    I jumped back but recovered from my shock almost immediately. He had never raised his voice at me; it was strange seeing him do that. "So we ain't breaking up? Cool. I guess we are the only survivors in the country? How do we live? How do we manage this responsibility? This is too much to take in! We are going to have to rebuild the ruins, we have to reproduce and start afresh! We are still so young, who will teach us? I don't want to be the Eve of the new era..I really..."
    "We are dead Letisha." He suddenly cut in
I looked at him immediately, I saw pain, gried and concern in his eyes and for the first time, I noticed they looked glassy and lifeless.
    "No we can't be! I survived, its obvious! I am here, you are also! Is this so hard to bear that you won't just accept the truth that we are the only ones left here? Can’t you just be grateful?"I screamed at him.
    He moved towards me and shook me till I leaned against him.."Why won't you just accept the truth? You so much want to stay alive but it is impossible! Why won't you just accept that all is lost, our Nation has been destroyed! Do you ever stop to wonder how you managed to pass through a closed door?"
"A closed door? Liar!" I screamed as I looked towards the entrance and noticed that the door was indeed closed.
"I closed it myself when I got in Fred so quit messing around."
"Go..go..go on..try it again." He said as he led me towards the door. We passed through easily.
I let out a cry, he had just confirmed my worst fear! I was really dead! A ghost!
"But how? I didn't die; I took refuge in a dark room, why? Why? Why did they hurt us this way? What did we do? So we are all ghosts? Where are the rest? Where are the elders? What are they saying about this?"I asked.
    "The elders say it was the election. There was so much hatred, bad blood that led to bloodshed. They say the leaders or supposed leaders turned against each other, they bribed the citizens. The elders keep chanting "we sold our lives and children's future to the monsters". They think they are at fault. The youths are biting their fingers, they won't stop screaming "had I known!" It is all a mess in the town's hall. It is the new ghosts' convention ground. We have nowhere to go, our souls are stuck here because we have no body."
"But this is our body? What do you mean by we have no body?"I asked.
"This is not your body, this isn't mine either. It is just what our minds have been programmed to imagine. All we have left are our charred souls."He replied
"Where are the so called leaders?"I asked in annoyance.
    He scoffed,” they are out of the country. They all fled as soon as the killings started. One of the opposition party leaders ran to the country of the white man to seek for help to destroy another party but the white man saw it as an opportunity to clear the nation out! History repeated itself again."
    I let out a cynical laughter, one so sad and cold, "they blamed the government the whole while, change lied with the government, they thought, when in fact the change lied in our midst. They called the government corrupt leaders when they themselves were as rotten as maggots. They relegated themselves as servants and ate from the crumbles of the fat politicians' plates yet they were the leaders. Democracy they called it, it was supposed to be a government by the people, but indecision and greed cost them their lives and our future.     Democracy became Grey suitocracy, politics of grey headed men in suits! We the youths watched the whole while, we refused to fight for our rights, we didn't grab the bull by the horn in time and it has turned against us! It hit us hard! Cowardice has cost us our future, our lives, and yet we are stuck here, and they are over there. Slaves to the white man but still alive. Whose loss is it now? The land of milk and honey is no more, our inheritance is gone! Canaan is empty!

Election is fast approaching! Vote wisely! Choose well! Save your life and ours, give us a future.


STORY: Animal In Charge Part 1. by Ayodeji Isaac

                                          Excerpt from the Movie Dawn of the planet of apes.
   We knew we were in trouble when the Animals finally took over. At first we counted it as nothing when Animals started improving technologically, they started making and driving cars, operating machines. They had their currency and banks. It was an odd experience, the Animals gradually stopped being scared of us Humans, and they started demanding equal rights. Eventually, they started taking over communities and then towns and cities and later countries. The Human race finally woke up and knew she was in big trouble. Humans were supposed to be in charge; that was the norm, but suddenly what we called 'norm' was gradually fading into obsolescence.
      I was in my room preparing for work when I heard a scuffle going on outside, I carefully peeped through my window and saw a Tigress and my neighbour Mark, engaged in a struggle. Apparently the Tigress didn't want Mark to join her on the bench. Normally, you would expect a sane young man to flee in fear of the brutish roars of the animal but Mark stood his ground and instead, picked up a long metallic rod. I was in awe and admiration of his bravery. My mood lift was short-lived, though. A pack of tigers soon arrived and tore him apart, his yells reverberating throughout the area. No one dared come out to save him; it was one man for himself. The only reason I was able to get in and out of my house safely was because my car was parked right in front of my door, so I didn't have to walk for long before getting into my car.
   The media was buzzing with activities; different people had different explanations for what was happening to the human race. There was the religious perspective; they claimed that it was the end time, the long awaited return of Jesus Christ. The scientists also brought up the idea of evolution; they supported it with the idea of Mate to Save. They felt if humans mated with animals, they would create a supreme breed of Ani-humans. Crazy as it sounded, it was accepted by some. Then there was the theory of the 'Sympathetics'; they opined that humans were only paying the price for the wickedness and sadism inflicted on the animals. Hence, the animals were here to settle the scores. Nemesis, they called it. They offered a way out though; that we Humans take off our garments of pride and with humility, try to make peace with them. It was during that period we knew the statistics of animal extinction were wrong. Tigers, elephants and many animals thought to be going extinct trooped out in their thousands when the 'Animal Revolution' began.
         Despite the hunger and passion I showed for Economics, my course of study when I was in school, I ended up working as an ambassador for the UN.  Interplay of factors which included my father and a couple of other minor issues forced my entry into the world of inter-governmental organisation and administration. At first I was cold and inactive; I was only interested in getting paid and feeding my young family. But as time went on, interest started brewing, especially when I discovered my verve for peace making and international settlements. People started taking notice of the bright and vibrant young man who was successful in ending various international conflicts. In just 5 years, I was the head of the world peace making committee. It came as a surprise to me, but like in the words of the General Secretary as he congratulated me... ‘I deserved it, I couldn’t waste this chance'.
       My phone was buzzing almost every minute with meeting notifications. I was not a fan of personal assistants so, most calls got to me directly.  The recent turn of events made everyone edgy and jittery.   Surprisingly, all the nations of the world were in unison, they were eager to end this scourge, Within two days there had been almost six meetings, six intense sessions of discourse, all in an effort to end it all. I brought up the idea of making a deal with the animals, like some sort of bargain.  There was only one thing Animals hadn't understood, that was the secret behind speech. They had the intelligence, the valour and the numbers. They also had the unpredictability and element of surprise due to their multifariousness but they still couldn't comprehend the language of the humans. At first we thought Humans could use this to their advantage and try to trick our way back into power but we failed, they were just too united, they were ferocious and merciless. Our scientists discovered a potion that could clear the vocal box and give the ability of speech, the contents of the potion were secret but it worked, it has been tested over and over in the lab. It was called the Voice maker.
         I brought up an idea; perhaps if we offered to give them the Voice maker, they would reconsider everything and maybe have mercy. A lot of the leaders rejected my idea; they felt it made Humans weak and that it could give the animals “undue advantage”.   It got so bad that some started accusing me of spying for the animals due to the inappropriate nature of my idea. I shook my head in pity, if only they knew how much suffering people were going through. This wasn't the time to be proud, the needs of the people should come first. The animals, if offered an attractive deal could allow us access to the hospitals and food. But the leaders thought otherwise, they were trying to outsmart each other by dropping different ideas on how to 'win' the animals. They all wanted a war and without more ado they were already drawing budgets for the weapons and provisions, the continuous talk of “millions of dollars” caused uproar from within my soul, I stood up angrily and blasted all the leaders, I gave a long heart piercing speech of how the needs of the people should come first and not their selfish gains, I also said that he war wouldn’t solve anything but instead would only endanger the life of our citizens. They were shocked, I could see it on their faces; I finished my short speech/outburst and sat down. After minutes of absorbing the after effect of my speech, the meeting was adjourned till 3 weeks time and that when a final decision would be made. I left the building with strange stares and whispers all over, I guess the notion was ' how could just a random young man talk to us like that, who does he think he is..Blah blah blah...'
            It was the D-day; the final meeting at the Federal House. As I left the car and walked into the building, my mind wasn't settled, I was anxious of the final decision that would be taken. I prayed silently that they agreed to my idea. To my surprise, the hall was empty. I wasn't a typical 'early comer’ so I wondered where they all were, I sat and waited hoping they would join me. After thirty minutes, I was frustrated and angry, it was supposed to be the final meeting and nobody showed up. As I was about walking out of the building, the Secretary General called me from behind; I could tell his voice even in my sleep. He apologised for the absence of everybody and said they had made a final decision earlier. I was livid but tried hard to keep a calm face, he continued and said that they agreed to make peace with the animals, I smiled and nodded in agreement. He then said I would be in charge of the negotiations; I was expressionless, neither showing happiness nor sadness. I couldn't argue, I brought up the idea and it would be my job to execute it.


   You know the natural hair spirit that is possessing black women nowadays? The whole ‘big chop’, ‘all natural’, ‘bantu knots’, ‘twist outs’ blablabla that everybody is talking about nah. Yeah. That spirit! My sister, I’ve got news for you; it’s a trick of the evil forces. It’s their own little way of deceiving us ladies into embarking on a journey of torture, pain, discomfort, irritation, regret and longing. You know presidential election is around the corner and everybody is talking about GEJ and Buhari, right? By the way, my roommates and I have even resolved to vote for Chris Okotie in this year’s election, whether he’s running or not. But I digress. People talk more about natural hair than they talk about the election now. Uh huh. You read that right. All the ballers are taking the big chop like a religion and rocking their God-given hair; being AFRICAN and PROUD!
   However, Omo, the evil forces are smart alecks o. They know that when we spend all our money buying hair oils and detanglers and all that hair stuff, we’d have nothing left to feed on. That’s how somebody will nah stop eating and have stomach ulcer. TUFIAKWA! Some of us think having African natural hair is a cool way of looking different and embracing our innate blackness. Well done! Is having a dark complexion not good enough for us? Do we have to go through all this torture? Hia!
And the natural hair bloggers… Oh! Don’t let me start with them. They go looking all beautiful and chicky on those blogs and YouTube videos (which sap data like no man’s business, by the way). Did I mention that most of them don’t stay in Nigeria? So, they probably get these things cheaper and don’t have to spend a whole 200 Naira to go to one mall or one big supermarket to get these hair stuffs they’re always blogging about. PROBABLY. You read their blogs and they plant the seed of hope in your heart. You then think…   ‘Maybe I can get there someday, ‘Maybe I would look like that if I had the right mix of oils and just more creams or just wash it that way I saw it on YouTube’… just maybe my hair would look like that. Fabu!  Or not sha. Your prayers probably would be answered and all your hard work would pay off.
I’m taking a deep sigh right now… All that being said, I’ll have you know that I’m a natural with beautiful African hair, all curly but still short though! It’s a constant struggle to comb the thing out when I loosen my twists. It takes real bravery to be a natural, my dear. With this outburst of mine, if you’re still convinced you’ll still be a naturalista, nothing can shake you. Go for it! You’ll become a celebrity in the twinkle of an eye. Every girl that knows what’s up (and some guys too) will walk up to you and gush… OMG! Is that your natural hair? I love your hair… blab la. However, if my rant scared you away from taking the leap, omo no try am o; you’d just get frustrated. Also, if you’re one of those relaxer, weave and/or attachment ladies, as far as you bought it, you own it, biko. Don’t let naturals make you feel any less. Be proud to be an African woman… with or without kinky hair. Obrigada.