Friday 1 January 2016

Interview with GREAT OKEKE

It is a beautiful day in the much awaited 2016 and I'm wishing you a Happy new year and the best the year has to offer. To kick-start our series of interview for the year 2016,i present to you an interview with a great visionary, unique innovator, a man of great change and a man of a rare name and adjective- GREAT. Great is a graduate of History and International studies of the Osun State University and the brain behind Africa's own unique brand-B.O.P

Kitty: Hi handsome ,how are you doing today?

Great :I'm fine Kitty, you?

Kitty: I'm great like your name says. So briefly tell us about Great.

Great: I am Great Olumide Chuwkufumnaya Okeke, also known as OluGr8. A native of Enugu state, the first of 4 children, with girls as siblings. A graduate of History and International studies, Osun State University.

Kitty: Your name is rare you know, never heard of someone that goes by that name. So tell me what made your parents give you such a name.

Great: Well there is this politician my dad loves. He also ran for the gubernatorial elections in Delta state, Great Ogboro. That was when my name came from plus my mum says my coming to this world was a big deal so it just fits. This name is just for me and God help me I live up to the name.

Kitty: A big amen to that. So how is life as a graduate?

Great: Honestly as a graduate, I miss the pressure of having to submit an assignment at a deadline , I miss the presentations also the general school life. But then I have the time to pursue and discover myself now. The graduate life is good and it's something every student looks forward to.

Kitty: Well I doubt if some undergraduates/graduates would agree with that. I mean I personally get scared of getting into the real world after graduation ,likewise many others if asked. The chances of getting a white collar job are quite slim and we really cannot tell what the future holds. So don't be so sure every student would agree with you.

Great: It's true but I think it is because most undergraduates focus on just books and do not try to discover themselves. If they do while in school, the fear is reduced to the barest minimum.

Kitty: Talking about self discovery, have you discovered yourself outside the academic world and how so?

Great: Well to a very large extent I would say yes. I found out in school that love that I am an icon of some sort and I love anything African ,whether entertainment ,culture or politics and it is on this foundation I started my own brand B.O.P WORLD.

Kitty: Yeah, the infamous B.O.P WORLD! I have been seeing the customized shirt on some students of the Osun State University and I have been wondering what it is about. Want to share?

Great: Well like I said, B.O.P WORLD was inspired by my love for Africa. The acronym means Black Original Proud. This brand is set to preach Africa's uniqueness, the importance of embracing your color, it's originality and being proud of it. It is geared towards using African entertainment not just as a tool of fun but one aimed at emancipating Africa from the shackles of dark history. Finally B.O.P WORLD as a brand is aimed at appreciating Africans from different walks of life, more like making Black the new White.

Kitty: By saying you want Black to be the new White, do you mean you wish to spur some sort of rivalry, a test of superiority and a revolutionary movement against the whites who are perceived as deities in the world?

Great: Not at all, what i mean is this. In the world today, when you check a dictionary, you will see that black means all the negative things and white depicts all the good things of life. Even the picture of Jesus is that of a white man. This is what some set of people want us to believe and this notion relegates us in the society to the extent that we see ourselves as 2nd class citizens of earth. By making Black the new White ,i mean Africans seeing their color as something unique, something to be proud of, a stronger race when compared to others. This justifies globalization and equality of man.

Kitty: So speaking of our color and the necessity of taking pride in being black,what do you think of girls that bleach?

Great: Well to be candid, i have not really given a thought to it but i think i am proud of my color and i think every black man out there ought to also.

Kitty: You seem to think we have forgotten what culture is like and i guess this is the reason behind the B.O.P WORLD initiative. Are you saying civilization is a folly that ought to be abandoned? Do you think there is a need to have a re-think and go back to our roots?

Great: One day, while i was deep in thoughts, i said to myself..."What if culture was made to evolve one day?" This is because even after the slave trade era ,the modern civilization was built on the back of the blacks in diaspora. In music ,rap and hip hop is a black culture in evolution ,same as jazz music. So you can't completely remove the African culture from what is obtainable as modern.

Kitty: So tell us more about the upcoming B.O.P event tagged #Indigenous coming up soon.

Great: Well first, I intend to use #Indigenous to launch my brand B.O.P WORLD and i intend to make a continuous event even after the maiden edition. Basically ,it is a 3 in 1 show cutting across fashion, entertainment and awards. We intend to celebrate African entrepreneurs in the fashion world because they help to keep our culture alive. Make up artistes and designers also. Entertainment generally including music, dance and comedy would also be included ,awards would be given to appreciate people. It is the whole package and it is really going to be indigenous if you ask me. The event would take place at the ETF building, Ikire campus of Osun State University by 3pm on the 29th 0f Jnuary,2016 and it would end by 8pm.

Kitty: Thanks for the great insight and for awakening the young minds to the uniqueness in our skin colour and the necessity of uplifting our tradition and culture to the world's standard. The world needs more people like you. So what is your advice to the youths out there?

Great: Get an education, discover who you are and you are set for any challenge.

Kitty: Thanks a lot Great, it has really been nice chatting with you. To round this off, say something to theFACET readers.

Great: Readers are leaders who study smarter and not harder, keep reading and getting smarter. Love y'all.

And that would be all for today or perhaps i should say this month on our star interview of the month on theFACET Blog, don't miss our amazing guest for next month. Remember ,our duty is to connect you to the root of mother Africa. Keep reading theFACET ,keep loving Kitty ,keep supporting us. Enjoy the beautiful month and what it brings and i am saying Happy New Year once more dear lovers. ICH LIEBE DICH.

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