Thursday 1 January 2015


            “After buying her goodies on her birthday, she opens her mouth and tells you she’s on her period… my brother, please rape her, God will understand.”
This ‘thing’ here got 160 likes on Facebook. You know what that means to me? We have 161 self-acclaimed potential rapists right here. The above Facebook post is not, in any way, funny. It totally depicts that both the writer and his 160 ‘likers’ have both sadistic and masochistic tendencies. I know it looks like I hold a grudge against him, but no I don’t. It’s just stupid that anyone could think this is funny or rational. I’m going to break down this post into small analyzable parts.
Dude! What are you supposed to do on her birthday? Collect goodies from her? If it’s indeed her birthday and assuming you are her boyfriend, you are supposed to get her goodies. So what’s with the ‘after buying her goodies on her birthday’ thingy? Is the concept so foreign to you? Haven’t you heard of it before? Maybe her brother got her a gift for her birthday. Maybe her male classmates got her goodies on her birthday. Maybe her friend from her place of worship got her goodies on her birthday? Did these people think it was their God-given right to RAPE her?
I think the poster left something out here. You asked to have sex with her before she opened her mouth and told you she was on her period, right? Now I’d say this small scenario is partly her fault. If I were the babe, I’d slap the freak out of you and give you back your godforsaken goodies. I mean, this is all kinds of wrong. Were you begged before you bought them? The whole thing is even demeaning to the female in question. Demanding for sex after buying her goodies, reduces both of you to the level of prostitute and customer. So, for your girlfriend, you buy the goodies before the sex and for the prostitute, you pay for the sex with the goodies. Like that old woman in Fuji House of Commotion would say, “At’Opolo ati Konko, what difference is it? [What’s the difference between the frog and the toad?]” First offence: Have you ever heard that you are not supposed to have sex before marriage? Second offence: Did it occur to you that the babe in question might actually be on her period?
Third offence:  Do you realize that rape is punishable by law? It would be great if you were caught in the act and thrown in jail for the rest of your miserable life! I don’t know how one would think it rational to rape some girl for any reason; she wears skimpy clothes, she’s a teaser, you bought her goodies or what other reasons rapists have. Nothing justifies rape. Nothing.
For this particular clause in the post, I continually shake my head. God will do what? When will people stop thinking God is man? Dude, I pity you. You finish raping the fine sister and think God will understand because you spent your miserable ten thousand naira in getting her goodies. God will still not understand if you had sold yourself to buy her the goodies, brother. Remember: God is not mocked nor is he man!
A little something for guys that think it rational to rape that babe because she’s always wearing skimpy clothes: Flee from all appearance of evil! Bend down, remove your slippers, put them in your armpits and run like you are Usain Bolt and the devil himself is chasing you. He really is, actually.
I just rechecked the post and I realize a number of females liked the post too. My dears, for you, I laugh in pidgin. You delude yourselves, babes. You really do.
Now, I know many people think I ‘pressed p’ so much on this issue that was obviously meant as a joke. But, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. Sexual abuse is not something we should joke about. And if you thought the post was funny, start re-thinking.
Be good.

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