Saturday 9 May 2015

An Exclusive Interview with Talabi Jesutomiwa,Co-Owner,

 In recent times,the news of one of the best Campus blog has rented the atmospere was initiated by two young and vibrant guys and it is now known not only in Gidi but also in many parts of Nigeria. Their tee shirts and many other catchy sourvenirs are seen from time to time even on the social media. Without much ado,I present to you this exclusive interview with one of the founding partners of this great blog. Sit back and enjoy reading*winks*

Kitty: Hi cute,can we meet you?

Tomiwa: I am Talabi Jesutomiwa,a 300 level student of Unilag,Quantity Surveying.

Kitty: Great! And also the CEO of Unilag gist*winks*. I have heard so much about the 
can you tell us briefly what it is about?

Tomiwa: CEO? Well I won't call myself the CEO because
 isn't just Tomiwa,I have a partner,so you can just call me the Co-owner.
So about
,it is a blog site that gives educational information,entertainment news on campus events to Unilag students and sometimes the general public.

Kitty: Interesting. Since you are a big blogger,I'm sure you could give a little insight into what blogging is all about because believe me most adults,even teenagers still find it hard to understand what it is about.

Tomiwa: Big blogger ke? Abeg o!!! I'm still learning though but blogging is a great way to identify and connect with people,share your thoughts and opinion and also keep people up to date on your writing progress. It is also a great way to blow off some steam.

Kitty: Thank you for shedding more light on that Tomiwa. So tell me,what is your take on the recently conducted presidential election in the country?

Tomiwa: Well,we wanted change,change is now here. I just hope the change delivers well so Nigerians won't regret giving change a chance.

Kitty: You sound like you have something against APC,like you are in support of PDP.

Tomiwa: *cuts in* No,at all. I'm not a "politics fan",I just wanted the best man to win.

Kitty: And GEJ is your definition of the "best man"?

Tomiwa: No,I didn't say that.

Kitty: Tell me,what is your definition of success?

Tomiwa: To me,success is achieved when you excel at what you do.

Kitty: If given an opportunity to sell out
 to a bigger organization for a large amount of money,would you sell out?

Tomiwa: *smiles* like how much?

Kitty: *laugh out loud*..err..2 million?

Tomiwa: No,no way.

Kitty: 5 million?

Tomiwa: Not even close. Someone willing to buy at that rate must have seen beyond just that,don't know if you get me?so why sell?

Kitty: Deep..Where do you see
 in years from now?

Tomiwa: *smiles* Beyond the sky.

Kitty: Which means you plan to keep running this blog even after you leave school or even the shores of great Gidi?

Tomiwa: Yes obviously,but will probably just be supervising by then.

Kitty: Just how do you plan to achieve this since you would be out of school by then,probably serving or working,won't you have outgrown it?I mean the unavailability of time is a limiting factor you know?

Tomiwa: Yes and that is why I said I would be supervising by then.

Kitty: So coming down to you and your partner. Do you guys often clash over what should be done and ought not to?

Tomiwa: *laughs*..Yeeeeessss...a lot of times,he might want a particular design for the blog that I don't like,then I'm like "hey bro,this thing aint cool enough" and he is like "it's cool for me" and I'm like "ok fine".

Kitty: lol,that is to be expected but do you always agree with whatever he feels is okay or does he compromise also to let you have your way?

Tomiwa: Obviously,he might have his way today but not always. You get right?

Kitty: Yes,quite alright. What do you think about the xenophobic attack going on in SA?

Tomiwa: Pure evil! Who knows,it might be one of the signs of end time. It's not funny at all,why kill your fellow men?#Stop Xenophobia

Kitty: Yeah right,why kill you fellow men?such sinister acts shouldn't go unpunished. But do you know these evil perpetrators think they are right?they seem to think that foreigners are the cause of their misfortune by infringing on their rights and that they should be killed or hunted down if need be. If you are a South African wit this same believe,would you resort to killing to take what is yours?

Tomiwa: kill ke??? To kill chicken sef,I no fit,not to talk of a human being.

Kitty: loool,how then do you think this should be resolved if no by violence?

Tomiwa: I think their government should try having a peace meeting with them,provide jobs to ease their pain,alleviate their suffering and let them know the importance of loving their fellow Africans because South Africans also reside in other African countries.

Kitty: I think it would them much good to adhere to this advise. Tell me,what is your philosophy about life?

Tomiwa: Life is a coin. You can spend it any way you wish but you can only spend it once.

Kitty: Spend it once? So you go by the motto "YOLO" right?

Tomiwa: Obviously,you only live once...*laughs*

Kitty: Mmm,tell us about a crazy moment you have had in school?

Tomiwa: Crazy? Hmmm..there was this day I and my friends pranked some girls,the joke was really expensive that one of them cried and her mum got involved at the end of it all and by then,it wasn't funny anymore. I won't say what the prank was though..*lip sealed*

Kitty: lool,so akokites also do aro?I used to think OAUites and Uites are the Aro majors?

Tomiwa: *laughs*..Trust me,you don't want to try Shodeinde boys when it comes to that. It was a phone prank though.

Kitty: *laughs* this is interesting.. Shodeinde boys?I hope they are just as good as the Katangites and Zikites of UI and Awoites in OAU. So what is your advise to te struggling youths out there?

Tomiwa: We are all struggling but hardwork pays. Keep doing what you love doing,as long as it is good,you will succeed.

Kitty: A final word to TheFACET Blog readers?

Tomiwa: keep reading this awesome blog,I call it awesome because it is awesome. God bless you.

Kitty: awww,thanks so much for granting us audience Jesutomiwa. By the way,your name is such a nice name*winks*. We hope to see and hear more of your achievement soon,ENJOY! 

And that would be all for today on the Interview Column on TheFACET Blog. Watch out for the next amazing student star. Keep reading TheFACET,keep supporting. We love you. XOXO

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